Creating a project logo

Hemijsko-tehnološka škola "Božidar Đorđević Kukar" (School for Chemistry and Technology 'Bozidar Djordjevic Kukar') is one of the partners on this project. Our school is located in a beautiful city, Leskovac, located in the south of Republic of Serbia, and worldwide known as place where you can eat the best barbecue and ajvar :) One of the first tasks in this project was to prepare suggestions for the project logo. This was a fun and inspirational task in which students had the opportunity to show creativity and their vision of working on well-being in school. The Leskovac team prepared seven excellent proposals, and since we couldn't decide on our own which one to submit as the Serbian representative for the final selection, we sought help from other students and teachers by asking them to vote in a Google questionnaire. You can see our ideas and the questionnaire form (in Serbian) here: We are waiting to see our peers' work from Italy, Poland, Romania and Türkiye. Meanwhile, one more logo - our school logo:
Greetings from Ana, Marija, Sara, Luka, Jovana and Uros!


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